Monday, April 12, 2010

Sundown at Seaside

This photo just blew me away when I first saw it. Love the ripples in the water and the bird as it glides across the sky. It's really hard to believe that this was taken in Bridgeport.
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  1. I love your sunset! Looks like you captured not only the sunset but a subject as well.

  2. I like the comment "when I first saw it" That shows insight ito the photographic process... By first saw it I take that to mean on your camera or computer afterward.... That is how it's done... shoot , shoot and shoot some more then get home and open the presents....

  3. Jacqui your photo is absolutely beautiful! Timing and scenery is everything and when you catch that perfect photo, what an awesome feeling!

  4. Great picture, and the seagull was posing for you in the perfect location!
